Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Armstrong -- Now it all makes sense

The Sticky Bottle Team weighs in on the Lance Armstrong situation.  Our first thoughts are “now it all makes sense.”  By this we mean now we can see why he won seven tours.  Winning one tour is an outstanding accomplishment for the human body.  The constant pounding day after day and mile after mile is more than the regular human being can withstand.  We also feel it is more than most professional bike riders can withstand, at least not without “help.”  The team noticed last year's Tour de France winner Cadell Evan's struggles this year and suggested that to repeat is maybe beyond the effort of mind and body.   
Armstrong enjoyed his loftiest heights at the time when cheating was rampant and somewhat accepted throughout the sport's world.  In baseball, steroids were the little secret that everyone knew.  The steroid era helped bring baseball back to prominence after the disastrous strike of 1994.  In baseball and in other sports the idea of “if you ain’t cheatin’ you ain’t tryin’” was put to the test far beyond simple gamesmanship.  In cycling, maybe the slogan should have been “better riding through chemistry.”  But, at the heart of is all is something we all know: cheating is cheating.
The Sticky Bottle.com team is sad to see Armstrong fall.  We were convinced in the idea of the investigation being a "witch hunt."  Sadly, our hero has fallen.  We are happy for the Livestrong Foundation and the good work it has done for people all over the world.  We are glad to see that the Foundation will continue its work but we will miss its leader. 
We realize, disappointingly, that sometimes good people do bad things.  Visit our website at www.stickybottleteam.teampages.com


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