Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Our Christmas Wish

It’s Christmas all over the world.  The Sticky Bottle Team blog has enjoyed readership from many parts of the globe and we want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas.

The American classic “A Charlie Brown Christmas” is highlighted by the character of Linus with his poignant reciting of the second chapter of the Gospel of Luke to children gathered in a small school auditorium.  Luke’s Gospel is a joyous telling of the birth of Christ for it quotes the heavenly angels who declared that they were bringing “tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.”   We here at the SBT wish all people a holiday season and New Year filled with great joy and happiness.

Luke ends the story with “on earth peace and goodwill towards men.”  A world with greater peace and goodwill to all of the world’s people is our greatest wish and we think of the Christmas carol “Little Drummer Boy” and the verse that hopes for peace “for your child and my child too.”

May peace be with you--as you, like many of us--reflect happily on the memories of those we have lost while we hold in good faith the promise of our families and our future days.  May today bring you all joy, family fun, quiet solitude, and clear wonderments.  May you be graced by the calm presence of holy angels no matter your faith.

Thank you again for reading this blog.  Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  

·        Happy Christmas

·        Joyeux Noël

·        Gelukkig kerstfeest

·        Frohe Weihnachten

·        Buon Natale

·        Wesołych Świąt

·        С Рождеством

·        ¡Feliz Navidad

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