Monday, November 19, 2012

Avoid the Frozen Face!

The Sticky Bottle Team is preparing for Frozen Face Season or “the combination of wind friction on exposed areas of the skin and ultraviolet ray exposure—which can occur even on cloudy days—that causes redness and skin irritation commonly known as windburn” so says Discovery Health.  Whatever the definition, windburn hurts. 

Fall and winter are good times of the year for enjoyable rides.  Riding in all months of the year allows us to appreciate the changing of the seasons.  But, let’s try to avoid the changing of our molecules or more specifically, lipids.  Lipids are the little molecules in our skin that keep us moisturized.  In the warm months our lipids do OK; the heat, the humidity and our sweat combine to keep lipids moist.   In the cold months lipids can suffer due to a lack of moisture in the air.  Riding in cold weather and moving headfirst into cold air can further damage your skin and its lipid friends.  
Now that's a Frozen Face!

The best defense against windburn is prevention.  The most reliable protection from windburn is sunscreen and non-irritating moisturizers. Sunscreen and natural moisturizers add layers of moisture that protect you from windburn.  Try to avoid anti-wrinkle creams and anti-hydroxy acids in the days prior to your long frozen face journey.  These products have chemicals that actually remove oils from skin and your face will dry out and get windburn much quicker.  Another tip for all weather cyclists: avoid the chemical skin peel, another bad idea that only harm lipids and dry out your face.   

OK, so you went for that ride anyway, endured the frozen face and now hours later you have windburn.  Grab the aloe vera or another natural moisturizer and treat your face.  The windburn has led to damaged and lost lipids, put them back.  Remember, avoid the chemicals, they will sting.  Use the good moisturizers several times a day, you will get relief.  Fear not all-season rider, the lasting and damaging effects of windburn are not as severe as sunburn but all the same, do not let windburn go untreated.   And last, remember your lips--lips have your body's thinnest layer of skin, keep your kisser treated as well.   Visit our website at for a new Shop Spy visit and other updates, check it out!

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