Thursday, November 08, 2012

The Bigfoot Video--We Respond!

The Bigfoot video on the website has drawn some comments.  It seems people remain fascinated with Bigfoot--or is it Sasquatch.  Even Jane Goodall, the foremost primate researcher has said “I’m not going to flat-out deny its existence." I think Dr. Goodall is like most of us when she later commented, "I'm fascinated and would actually love them to exist.”  Maybe exist in a controlled environment.  They aren’t chipmunks to which you toss cold popcorn.  These things have the potential to ruin your best camping adventure.  The big fella in the video looks to be just stretching the old limbs after a midday siesta--or maybe he was preparing to tear a couple of hikers into small pieces, we just don’t know.  The tape ends with fast feet moving to safety.   

The SBT was asked about the decision made by the intrepid nature film makers to take off running.  Surely, if the beast wanted to run them down it would be an easy effort--maybe not.  Some “studies” have actually been done to determine the running ability of Bigfoot.  The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) has information on their website stating that Bigfoot creatures may be able to run upwards of 40 mph.  Now, we at do not purport to be Bigfoot experts but we find this claim rather dubious.  Considering the BFRO group (founded in 1995) has yet to capture the creature in over 17 years of trying--they also have no record of a big foot in a running stride--we lower a brow in doubt at their summation.  

Considering a horse at full gallop approaches 40 mph (and a trained racing stallion at that) and a greyhound nears 45 mph (on the track), two of North America’s fastest land animals, it is hard to believe anything seven feet tall and heavy can pick them up and lay them down like Secretariat and Santa’s Little Helper respectively.  Besides the size and shape, another glaring difference exists: horses and dogs are quadripedal (four legs).  Big foot is like man, he has only two legs.  The fastest humans, our Olympic track stars, can run in excess of 25 mph on a track, with a headwind, and brand new Nikes right out of the box.  Big foot would be a cross country runner in bare feet ducking limbs and jumping logs.   How do we even know the thing runs at all?  In every “real” or hoaxed Bigfoot video the creature is walking, or more appropriately—lumbering.  

The SBT crew cannot recommend a course of action when one is face-to-face with the Yeti.  We only suggest people adhere to the natural instinct of fight or flight with a heavy lean to flight.  Run like hell.  Better yet, jump back onto your bike, you can get up to 30 mph easy--but first for crying out loud get some real, actual footage of the beast so we can put this “do they” or “don’t they exist” argument to bed once and for all.  Visit our website at

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