Thursday, November 22, 2012

We Thank YOU on Thanksgiving

It is Thanksgiving Day here in the US and as of this morning the Sticky Bottle Team Blog and Website are one month old.  We would like to say thanks to our readers from the US and around the globe.  

But first, we apologize for the short outage today that "parked" the blog for a short while.  We recently changed the Blog's URL from to the more user-friendly and the switch took some time to take place.

At the Blog Site you will also notice a new header--we felt a revamped header was necessary to highlight the fact that we are a road cycling site based in the USA and the ribbon of flags reflects our Euro-Friendly sensibilities.  We have noticed the number of readers coming from Europe (and Canada) and we appreciate your interest in the Blog ("danke", "gracias", "merci", "grazie", "dank u"...).  We have added a "translate" button so the postings can be read in your native language to make it more accessible to all.  

So, please bookmark our two sites: our Blog our Website

Please contact the SBT crew with your input, ideas and suggestions.  You may respond to any Blog Post to contact us.  We look forward to completing 2012 and moving full speed ahead in 2013.  

~The SBT crew

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